Albums & Discs

We create a custom photo album book that tells the most compelling story possible for your wedding day. The first book is included in your wedding package fee. Our standard album measures 8.5″ x 11″ and is a hardcover photo book with the images printed directly on the pages. It is very well constructed and comes with a matching dust jacket and book sleeve. We offer 30 pages in the standard album (about 80 pictures total) and can add pages at a rate of $2 per page.

You may also choose to upgrade to the 11″ x 14″ album for an additional $30. Additional pages are also $2 per page just like the 8.5″ x 11″ book.

Additional copies are $50 for the 8.5″ x 11″ book and $80 for the 11″ x 14″ book (plus $2 per page if you choose to have additional pages).

I select from among the best photos and arrange them in chronological order to tell the story of your wedding day from beginning to end. Within a week of your wedding you’ll receive a full color .pdf proof of your photo book to review by e-mail. We’ll work together to arrive at a final version of the book from your selection of images in your online wedding photo galleries. The book will go into production as soon as you give your final approval and you’ll receive the book within two weeks of your final “thumbs up.”

 11″ x 14″ album on the left; 8.5″ x 11″ album on the right


Photo Discs

We provide two identical copies of a disc containing all of the final images from your wedding. They’re exactly the same image files as you can download from our web site but in a single, convenient place. We create custom inserts for your Jewelboxing disc cases and imprint your discs with permanent LightScribe technology.